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Viagra, Cialis and Levitra: are results sufficient?
Aged men who have less frequent sex and who are glad with the responses using Viagra should certainly keep to Viagra. Some patients who are not contented with responses to Cialis can find that Viagra suits them more. On the whole, these 3 drugs can be suitable and the men have to consult their doctors about determining the one that suits better for them and their personal life. 3 drugs nowadays and others in various stages of clinical trials has not only enlarged the treatment options for erectile disfunction, but in many ways has aroused new mess among patients and doctors. It escorts vacuum therapy and other treatment and it is not difficult to get why patients and possible patients have questions.

For all practical purposes, medical treatment starts from these drugs. In certain conditions in which the males are sound, young, laboratory blood tests and such are in norm one should seek the physical cause of their ed before prescribing drugs as the disease process may be more serious than its symptoms, other factors, the erectile disfunction itself. In some situations primary disease treatment may really exclude the sexual problems. Yet, ed has other reasons among patients as written in their health history and lab tests, making PDE-5 inhibitors a first line of choice. Choosing the appropriate drug appears to be very hard to do without right info on each drug and a painstaking talk about the patient's sexual history and his partner. como tratar la eyaculacion precoz

We shall discuss the pros and cons of each of these three drugs and the intimate situations showing the use of one drug over others. Viagra was the first and is probably the most famous of the three PDE-5 inhibitors used to treat erectile dysfunction. It had been researched for over a dozen years before being accessible to the Americans. It gives results in close to 70% of all men with all types of erectile dysfunction, though about A QUARTER of them feel that results are not optimal. control de la eyaculacion

While doing the studies on Viagra, there had been noticed improvement in sexual function; nevertheless, all male patients in the Viagra studies had ed, whereas other two drugs studies were based on patients who had success with Viagra. Drawbacks of Viagra take in decreased absorption due to meals. You need to take the pill half an hour before you eat as half an hour is needed for absorption. The drug takes about one hour for uttermost effect, but loses 50% of its maximum concentration every four hours. Sexual stimulation is necessary to achieve erection. Of the III drugs, the maximal concentration for Viagra appears to be the therapeutic concentration. Side effects comprise strange ocular problems with a bright sight, a blue-green aureole around the vision, stomach upset, mild headaches, facial flushing. controlar eyaculacion precoz
Категория: Обзоры | Добавил: witkom21 (24.06.2013)
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